Our work

Bear Grylls ‘Escape From Hell’

A blazing-hot show at Battersea Power Station


Discovery Channel


Media Moments

To coincide with the launch of Bear Grylls: Escape From Hell, the Discovery Channel asked us to put together a 4D, blazing-hot show at Battersea Power Station.

The Magic

Involving pyrotechnics and cutting-edge mapping effects. Bear made his big entrance amid the flames, abseiling down one of the landmark’s 15-storey chimneys.

Projections and pyrotechnics were carefully choreographed using a specialist media server, in order to serve up the most realistic experience possible for the 500 guests in the audience.

The Measurability

The stunt was so terrifyingly true-to-life that we received a brief visit from the London Fire Brigade, while the online video racked up more than 2,000 ‘Likes’ on Facebook and 25,000 YouTube hits in its first 24 hours.

We love a challenge

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