Technology to entice customers

What’s in store for AV in retail?



Tim Kridel featuring Matt Hawley





Not surprisingly, people couldn’t wait to get back to malls and the High Street once the pandemic finally began to wane.

In fact, pent-up demand was so great that 2021’s in-store sales exceeded 2019’s, according to Intelligence Insider, which expects growth to continue between 2.6% and 3.4% through 2025.

But success isn’t guaranteed. Like before the pandemic, retailers still must grab the attention of passers-by so they’ll come inside and spend money. More than ever, retailers see AV playing a key role in wowing shoppers and competing against e-tailers.

“Nothing defines a retail brand more sharply than its physical stores,” says Matt Hawley, Pixel Artworks Senior Account Manager. “Store frontages have become immersive windows into the brand, generating PR and word-of-mouth in the process. Interactive displays — such as incorporating LED screens, volumetric displays, smart mirrors and holograms influenced by gesture recognition technologies paired with spatial audio — can create engaging experiences that attract attention and encourage brand interactions.”

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